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Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Blue Bottle Flower

Today I worked a bit on the blue bottle flower for the bottle wall. Here is a photo of after I started wiring it up. Seventeen bottles in all! The center will have a light green salad dressing bottle in it.
The plan is to hang this on a support over the bottle wall and start mortaring around it.  It weighs about 40-50 pounds right now. I will be adding welded wire around the outside to hold together the concrete band. Once I get the concrete done and set up I'll cut away the plywood band and the support structure.
Here is the bottle flower on Easter morning! I used some salvaged lumber to brace it in place, it took an hour to do this and the first try was exactly where I wanted it. On to making mortar and adding bottles so the support can be removed. Those are our Sugar Snap Peas in the background, should be flowering in days.
 Meg planted this mixed package of daffodils we bought on clearance at Home Depot last fall. Several of these came up, I really like it any one have a clue to what it might be?
When I moved in here 14 years ago I planted this honeysuckle. At one point it had hundreds of bloom clusters like this one. During the building of the addition  in 2008 it was left growing under the new deck and had been abused by all the building processes. In 2009 I moved it to a new location, the droughts have left it barely alive. This year it has 20 or so bloom clusters so it is making a comeback!! You know when I bought this I did not know the native coral(red) honeysuckle grew at the edge of our woods.


  1. Love the bottle flower - how creative!

    I don't know what the daffodil is but it's beautiful. Looks like it would smell pretty good too!

  2. I couldn't be certain about the daffodil, but Narcissus "Scrambled Eggs" comes to mind, and google searches bring up similar images.

  3. Randy, the bottle flower is really going to be a gorgeous. I'm waiting to see the end result. Not sure about the daffodil, but we've been very happy with similar purchases of 'bag' bulbs. The honeysuckle looks very happy again, it must be a survivor.

  4. I am excited to see your bottle flower blooming...
    Lovely Daff and honeysuckles - does it have a fragrance?

  5. Great job with the bottles !!

    Very cool !

  6. The bottle flower is awesome!

  7. Your bottle flower and the wall under it are awesome...just beautiful! I'm collecting blue bottles & go out of my way to buy wine in blue bottles, every now and then. Still not sure what I'll do with them but think they will go on a bottle tree some day. You are so clever;-) It's all looking great.

  8. Your bottle flower is going to be amazing on your wonderful wall. Looking as good as the Airlie Gardens bottle art!

  9. The bottle flower is really neat and a cool idea. I can not wait to see it finished. Is there such a thing as a double daffodil?

  10. Hi Randy, your bottle flower is absolutely stunning! I thought people only used bottles for bottle trees but your wall and flower are awesome!!

  11. Your Great Wall of Bottle!(as opposed to china!) What a creative guy you are!

  12. I planted a yellow native honeysuckle...'John Clayton'. It is starting to bloom now...it is blooming coral!! It was mislabeled. boo hissss

  13. Narcissus 'Peach Prince'
    Double daffodil

  14. Crhistian-y-graciela@hotmail.com.ar9:11 AM

    Hermosa las botellas azules! Yo hice una también me gustaría mostrárselo pero no se como subir la imagen..
